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An inguinal hernia is one in which part of abdominal contents protrudes through a weakness in abdominal muscles and other tissues at or below the inguinal ring. The hernial sac is most often located within a fold of skin attached to the scrotum or groin area but can protrude through any other skin fold (typically on either side). Acquired Hernia/ incisional hernias can occur due to injury or any previous surgery over the abdominal wall. In contrast, congenital hernias occur since birth.
There are a few red flags that you can look out for that point to the fact that you might have an inguinal hernia. A dull, persistent ache in your groin usually indicates that there is something out of place in your abdomen. If this ache suddenly starts to burn and becomes more intense, or if it shifts positions and begins to hurt even more in one specific area, there's a good chance that something has gone wrong with the abdominal wall and needs emergency attention.
A normal hernia can be treated easily by scheduling surgery with a general surgeon. Not to mention, our professional team of doctors with aggregate experience and acute guidance can help diagnose your problem and recommend possible treatments at affordable prices.

Inguinal Hernia

An Inguinal hernia is when a small part of the intestines protrudes through a weak spot of the abdominal muscles. These usually appear as a small bulge near the pelvic and groin regions.
An Inguinal hernia is when a small part of the intestines protrudes through a weak spot of the abdominal muscles. These usually appear as a small bulge near the pelvic and groin regions.

There are two types of inguinal hernia,

* Indirect inguinal hernia, this type of hernia is common and is usually identified as a by-birth condition.

* Direct inguinal hernia, this type of hernia is the result of weak abdominal muscles and improper physical activities over time.
Some of the signs and symptoms of an inguinal hernia include,

* Bulging near pelvic or groin areas. More prominent when the patient’s cough or strain
* Burning sensation or pain at the bulges
* Experience pain or discomfort when the patient bends, coughs or lifts something heavy
* Abdominal heaviness
* Pressure over the groin region

Depending on the severity of the hernia, the patients undergo open repair or laparoscopic surgery. Symptom-less small hernial problems in adults don’t need any surgery as far it's regularly monitored.

However, severe hernias with symptoms in adults and children should be treated immediately, especially if it's an incarcerated or strangulated hernia (doctors cannot push back these types of hernias into the abdomen)

Open Repair

The doctor incisions the abdominal muscles near the groin region during an open repair surgery. The hernia is then pushed back into the intestinal region, stitching the incisions together. Sometimes the doctors use a synthetic mesh to hold the abdominal muscles if the opening is too large.


During the procedure, the doctor inserts a scope with a camera and light inside the abdominal area through a small incision. Using the scope and X-ray as guidance, the doctor repairs the hernia. Doctors can also use synthetic mesh during laparoscopic therapy. This is a minimal invasion method with less pain and incisions. Laparoscopic surgeries have a relatively shorter hospital stay and recovery phase.

At Savaikar Hospital, the experienced staff team ensures the patient receives the best care by using updated techniques and procedures. If patients experience any symptoms, treating them earlier avoids complications.

Incisional Hernia

An incisional hernia occurs when intestines or parts of other organs protrude at or around the abdominal surgical incisions. Almost one-third of patients are at risk of developing an incisional hernia post abdominal surgery. Most of the incisional hernias aren’t serious. However, they can potentially get large and discomfort in performing physical activities.
Incisional hernias are usually identified by their bulges near the incision area. There are also some ofter non-visible symptoms like-

* Fever, nausea and vomiting
* Pain near the incision area
* Burning or aching sensation at the bulge
* Discomfort with doing strained * physical movements like lifting
* Constipation or ‘narrow’ stool
Surgical procedures are the only remedies for hernias; however, the size and severity of the hernia decide how early the patient should be operated on.

Small or reducible hernia
If the hernia doesn't show any symptoms or problems, it's advised to avoid surgery and take preventive measures. Doctors regularly monitor them for getting bigger. Operating a smaller hernia is a relatively easy procedure compared to the larger ones

Large or irreducible hernia
When the hernias grow big, they can regulate physical activities and require immediate surgery. There are two ways to treat hernia, open repair and laparoscopy method.

Open repair
The doctor makes an incision above the hernias bulging during the surgical process. This incision doctor repairs a hernia by pushing all the protruded organs back into its place.
The abdominal muscles are later strengthened using a mesh. The abdominal walls eventually absorb these meshes and provide the needed reinforcement.

The doctor makes several small incisions near the bulge area during the laparoscopic procedure instead of one large incision. A non-harming gas is injected to inflate the abdominal area to create space to operate the hernia.

Unlike open repair surgery, laparoscopic surgery is a minimal invasion procedure. Patients experience minimal pain and require a short hospital stay. They also have fewer scars and quicker recovery after the process. However, laparoscopy is difficult when the hernia is too big and doesn't support the laparoscopic procedures.

At Savaikar Hospital, we ensure the patients are safe and undergo proper surgical procedures. Patients get the best care and support with our experienced staff and high-tech equipment.

Anti Reflux Surgery or Fundoplication

Anti-reflux surgery or fundoplication is a condition in which the stomach acid comes back up from the stomach into the oesophagus.

In this procedure, the surgeon puts together the top part of the oesophagus called the fundus (the uppermost part of the oesophagus that ends at the stomach) with the stomach using a long band of muscle called the gastroesophageal junction. The surgery is done using general anaesthesia, and it takes about 2 to 3 hours to perform the surgery.
When you suffer from reflux, it can seem like nothing will ever be good enough to cure the symptoms. The anti-reflux surgery is a way for many to live normal lives without the need for taking medications. This surgery also provides relief from other issues with digestion such as the inability to sleep and heartburn. There are certain risks that come with this type of procedure, but there is also a huge benefit in having it done if you have been suffering from reflux.
Anti-reflux surgery is a surgical procedure that prevents reflux by placing a permanent stent in the oesophagus. The routine procedure is performed to open up the previously closed lower oesophagal sphincter and prevent acid buildup in the stomach. The Savaikar Hospital is best known for its effective treatments. This can help people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or chronic heartburn.
The procedure usually takes less than two hours and you will be able to go home after the surgery is over. You will need someone to drive you home because there may be some discomfort, but it shouldn't be anything that you can't handle. The professional doctors in the Savaikar Hospital can help diagnose your problem and recommend possible treatments at affordable prices. The auxiliary staff of the hospital is cordial and sensitive to your needs.

Thyroid -Thyroidectomy

Thyroidectomy is a surgical process done to remove certain or all parts of the entire thyroid gland. The surgery is done to treat diseases to the thyroid gland and thyroid cancer. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located near the bottom of the neck. These glands are responsible for the hormone responsible for metabolism and burning calories. The pituitary gland in the brain sends signals to these glands to control the hormone production accordingly. Doctors generally recommend thyroidectomy in the following situations,
Thyroidectomy is the best option to treat thyroid cancer. When the thyroid glands develop cancer, it's advised to remove them completely to avoid them from spreading to other tissues
Even though it is non-cancerous, sometimes the enlargement makes it difficult for the patients to swallow, eat or talk. Goitre can also develop into hyperthyroidism in future
Hyperthyroidism results from the overproduction of thyroid hormones (thyroxine). Patients are recommended to undergo thyroidectomy if they have difficulties taking anti-thyroid drugs or undergoing radiotherapy.
While the thyroid nodules may not show any cancer symptoms, they are at potential risk of developing into thyroid cancer in future.

The surgical process
The patient undergoes general anaesthesia (put to sleep) to avoid pain or involuntary movement during surgery.
Once unconscious, a small incision is made on the base of the neck. Usually along the skin crease to avoid scars visibility after recovery.
The doctor then removes the infected part or all parts of the thyroid gland.

The surgery takes around 2 to 3 hours, depending on the medical complications. The patient can eat and drink normally. But it's better to refrain from tedious daily activities for 8 -10 days until the scar is completely healed.

Once operated on, the patients are monitored overnight and are discharged the next day. The doctors also prescribe thyroid medicine to maintain body metabolism.
Few complications related to the surgery are as follows,

*Excessive bleeding
* Loss of voice or changes in the voice tone (hoarseness)
* Infection
* Scaring or damaging the adjacent tissues
* Damaging the nearby organs like the oesophagus or trachea
* RIsk of hypothyroidism

Varicose Veins Treatment

When the blood vessels are weak and valves don’t work correctly, they lead to swollen veins in the lower part of the body. These are the varicose veins. They usually occur as large, blueish purple bulged or twisted nerves.
Even though these veins are easily identified when they bulge on the surface of the skin, a few common symptoms related to varicose veins are listed below.
Bulging veins in legs, ankles and feet
Itching near the varicose veins

Swelling and pain in nearby regionsHeavy legs and muscle pain after physical activities
Changes in skin colour when the veins are not treated in the early stages. They become brown and even develop venous ulcers (sores)
Most often patients don't need any hospital treatment. However, there are 3 ways to treat varicose veins such as self-care, compression and surgeries. Depending on the severity of the patient is recommended the suitable treatment

Patients in the early stages of varicose are recommended to exercise and lift their legs while sitting or laying down. Providing suppose to the legs instead of hanging them can promote better blood flow and reduce swelling.

Compression stockings can control the swelling and pain. By compressing the legs, the blood flow is regulated, thereby the veins don’t worsen over time. Prescribed strength and related stockings are available in the pharmacy. These are usually the primary measures before the doctors recommend any surgery or major treatments.

Surgical treatment
Sclerotherapy or injection therapy: The doctor will inject a solution into the vein to stick them together during the surgical process. These veins eventually die becoming scar tissue and eventually fade away.

Laser treatment: During the laser treatment the doctor uses a catheter (long thin tubes) and laser lights to burst the damaged veins. It is a minimal invasion method where no cuts or incisions are made.

Veins surgery: The process involves the removal of the damaged veins through small incisions. This is an outpatient procedure and the doctor makes incisions near the damaged veins and cuts them away. The procedure doesn't affect the blood flow, as the internal veins of the legs carry larger volumes of blood and maintain proper blood flow.

At Savaikar Hospital, we provide the safest procedure for our patients. Doctors usually don't recommend any major surgical procedure until it's an absolute necessity or the patient requests a permanent recovery from varicose veins.

Anal Fistulas

Anal Fistula is a small tunnel that develops between the end of the bowel and the skin around the anus. They are mostly caused by the infection near the anus. Anal fistulas are most likely to cause different types of discomfort like skin irritation. One cannot get rid of the skin irritation on their own. And in many cases, surgery is recommended. Anal fistulas are the result of an abnormal tear of the tissue which covers the anal canal in connection with a congenital, anatomical or acquired defect. Anal fistulas cause chronic and often severe pain. The pain may be experienced as a burning sensation and/or pricking, cutting or stinging sensations. Symptoms may include anal discharge (mucus), bleeding from the rectum, failure to maintain stool in the colon, chronic constipation and tenesmus (involuntary spasming of pelvic musculature).
There are plenty of things that can cause anal fistulas but mostly clogged anal glands and anal abscesses cause anal fistulas. Other things that cause anal fistulas include:
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Crohn’s Disease
Anal fistulas cause discomfort and sometimes can become severe. Symptoms of anal fistulas include
Skin irritation around the anus
Pain and swelling around the anus
Pus or blood in the stool
A constant Pain while moving around, coughing or stool
Redness or swelling around the anus
Fever, chills and fatigue
Difficulty in controlling the bowel movement
There are many treatments for anal fistulas. The two most common methods used to treat fistulas are surgery and medical therapy. Surgery involves the removal of the damaged anal membrane, which may be done through an open operation or by creating a rectal fistula by creating an incision in the anal mucosa and inserting a plastic tube. Medical therapy is comprised of various antibiotics to kill bacteria in the anus (probiotics) as well as various medications to control pain and/or reduce swelling.

Piles or Haemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids, likewise known as piles, are some of the swollen veins in the lowest rectum or anus. It is a bit similar to the varicose vein. It can also develop in the rectum or under the skin inside the rectum ( internal haemorrhoid) or the skin around the anus (external haemorrhoid). Three out of four people will suffer from haemorrhoids from time to time. Haemorrhoids can have a number of causes, but often you will see that the cause is unknown. Fortunately, enough choices are public to fete haemorrhoids. Many people will get relief from lifestyle changes and home treatment.
Symptoms and Signs of haemorrhoids will depend on their nature. Typically, there are two types of haemorrhoids.
It takes place under the skin and around your anus. Symptoms and Signs of external haemorrhoids include the following.
Disturbance or prickle in your anal part
Discomfort and pain
Swelling around the anus
These haemorrhoids lie in the rectum. You can't see or feel it but it will rarely cause discomfort. Irritation or straining will take place due to the passing of stool. Symptoms and Signs of internal haemorrhoids include the following.
Painless bleeding during the bowel movement. You might see some red blood patch on your toilet tissue or in the toilet.
Haemorrhoids will pass through the anal opening resulting in irritation and pain.
If the blood pool in an external haemorrhoid forms of clot or thrombus, it will result in the following.
severe pain
lump near the anus
The veins around the anus will tend to stretch under pressure and may swell or bulge. Haemorrhoids will develop from increased pressure in the lower spectrum due to the following.
Straining due to bowel movement
Sitting for an extended term in the washroom
being obese
being pregnant
Having anal intercourse
Eating a diet low in fibre
Regular lifting of loads
As your age increases, your risk factor for haemorrhoids will increase. It is because the tissues that support the pain in the anus and rectum can stretch and weaken. It can also happen during times of pregnancy because the baby's weight put pressure on the anal region.
You need to seek emergency care if you experience lightheadedness, faintness, dizziness, or large amounts of rectal bleeding. You can try out the following if you have haemorrhoids.
Drink plenty of fluids
Take fibre supplements
Avoid long periods of sitting

Diabetic Foot Care

If you have diabetes, the extra amount of glucose in your blood can cause severe complications and foot disease. Typically, diabetes can cause two problems. It may include diabetic neuropathy and peripheral vascular ailment. Uncontrolled diabetes can damage your nerve, and damaged nerves in your feet and legs, you may not feel cold, heat, or pain there. The lack of feeling is called diabetic neuropathy. If you do not feel sore or cut in the feet, the cut feels worse and becomes infected. The muscles of your foot may not work as the nerves in the muscles make get damaged.
If you have diabetes, you may contact your doctor if you have the following symptoms:
Changes in the skin colour
Changes in the skin temperature
Swelling in the ankle or foot
Pain in the leg
Open sores on the foot that is slow to heal
A cut or wound will lead to infection. The blood vessel and nerves will get damaged. You may also suffer from immune disorders that make them more likely. Most infections take place in the wound that got treated with antibiotics previously.
Common risk factors for the development of Diabetes foot may include the following
Peripheral vascular disease
Poor glycemic control
Diabetic neuropathy
Amputation and foot ulceration

As of now, the most common risk factors are peripheral vascular disease and neuropathy. It can affect the automatic, motor, and sensory components of the nervous system. Compromised innervation of the muscle in the foot will cause extension of the affected foot that creates anatomic abnormality. It will cause bony prominences and pressure points.

Automatic dysfunction will lead to diminished sweating and which results in dry skin and develop cracks. Peripheral vascular disease in a diabetic patient that affects the aortic segment and femoral artery.
If you are not able to perform your regular task yourself, you need to cleanse your feet daily and apply moisturiser. It will prevent the formation of cracks. A diabetic sock or thick padded sock is put to wear inside the shoes that offer good support o custom shoes. Prevention of diabetic feet also includes quitting smoking and maintaining light glucose control.

You need to keep track of your blood pressure, and weight to get rid of a diabetic foot. Patients need to understand the value of cooperating with the health care team to maintain the health of the foot.


The appendix is connected to a large intestine. It is small in size that is around 5 to 10 cm long only. When the appendix swells, then, the discomfort is felt by the patients. The condition of this discomfort is called the initial stage of appendicitis disorder. The pain of appendicitis is generally felt around the navel. It becomes severe with the passage of time.
Some of the signs and symptoms of appendicitis include:
Pain that begins around the navel and then, moves to the right side of the lower stomach
Pain that becomes worse and increases on pressure on abdomen
Appetite loss
Mild fever
The risk factors for the disorder appendicitis include:
Age: It has been observed that youngsters belonging to the age group of the 20s are more affected by this disease.
Sex: The males are more vulnerable than females.
Genetic Disease: If any member of the family has suffered from appendicitis, then, the risk of this disease becomes higher in other family members.

Depending on the severity of the pain of appendicitis, the doctors recommend the treatment.
Pain Relievers
If the pain is not severe, then, the doctors try to treat it with the help of pain relievers.
The surgical treatment becomes necessary when the pain of appendicitis is severe.
The risk of appendicitis can be lower if the rich fiber food is consumed daily.

Gall Bladder Surgery

Gall bladder accumulates a liquid known as bile. It is a small organ that is found in the upper stomach. The bile that is stored in it breaks down the food. If the gall bladder is not functioning properly, then, stones can form. Sometimes stones can block the gall bladder and cause infection. If infection is not severe then antibiotics can be tried. But in some cases, surgery becomes an urgent requirement.
The signs and symptoms related to gall bladder include:
Acute pain in the stomach
Pale skin
Female more than 40 years old
Small size of incisions around less than 1 inch is done on the stomach. Then, a tiny video camera is put inside the stomach. The gall bladder is removed by the surgeons. When laparoscopic surgery is compared with open surgery, then, it has been observed that the patient recovers faster than the open surgery.
The patient is discharged from the hospital on the same day. The patient can start to begin his/ her normal daily activities soon.
At Savarika hospital, we do take care of all the precautions that should be taken while
operating the patient. If you visit our hospital, you will find yourself in safe hands.


Haemorrhoids are also known as piles. These are the lumps that are found inside and outside of the anus. They cause bleeding, discomfort and pain. Most often, they go away after some days. But many times, the doctors recommend surgery when they find them incurable with medications.
The signs and symptoms related to haemorrhoids include
Itching around anus
Red blood when you poo
Lumps around anus
Pain in anus
Chronic constipation
Heavy lifting
Eating fast food
Straining during bowel movements
Eat high-fiber food
Drink plenty of water
Less consumption of caffeine and alcoholic beverages
Exercise regularly
Surgical treatment is often the best way to get rid of haemorrhoids. The surgeries that are done are quite safe but the patient needs to eat the fibre-food to avoid the problem of constipation in the future.

The doctors give local anaesthesia and general anaesthesia to make small cuts around the anus to remove the haemorrhoids away. The patient is discharged on the same day from the hospital. He should take a rest as he can feel pain due to the stitches around the anus. It may take around 3 to 6 weeks to feel normal.
Procedure for Prolapse and Haemorrhoids (PPH) With the help of a stapler device, the doctor cuts the blood supply of the haemorrhoids. In absence of the blood supply, the haemorrhoids die. This treatment is better than the conventional surgical treatment i.e. Hemorrhoidectomy because the patient feels less pain and recovers soon.
Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation and Recto Anal Repair (HAL-RAR)
HAL-RAR is a new surgical treatment that reduces haemorrhoids within a few weeks. In this process, a Doppler sensor is used to identify the arteries that are responsible to supply blood to haemorrhoids. Then, the haemorrhoids are tied, and the blood supply is cut off. This is a more effective surgical treatment for curing haemorrhoids.
At Savaikar Hospital, we operate the patients with the safest measures. Doctors usually recommend the operative treatment to the patients when it becomes an urgent requirement, otherwise, high-fibre food is recommended to avoid this problem.